
Dallas Presbyterian Church (DPC) would like to extend a warm welcome to you!

When you visit, you will find that our congregation has a deep commitment to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Word, and to worshiping Him reverently in the way He has taught us in His Word. It is also the commitment of our elders to shepherd each and every member of this congregation through every season of life and to cultivate rich Christian fellowship and love amongst our body.

We are wholly committed to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the only rule for faith and life. Our preaching and our singing are biblically based and we always strive to exalt our King and Savior Jesus Christ in our worship services.

Our congregation is deeply concerned that souls perish all around us. We believe in and practice direct evangelism. As such, our minister preaches in the open-air the need for men to be born again and reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ. It was the Lord's burden to see souls saved and the minister of God must say, '"woe is me if I preach not the gospel". In addition, members of our congregation go with us door to door to share the gospel with our neighbors.

If you are in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, please come and worship with us. Our worship services are in New Testament simplicity - we pray, we sing the Psalms, we read from the Bible, and focus on Christ-centered preaching. We worship on the Lord's Day (Sunday) at 10:30 am and 2:15 pm. We look forward to meeting you!